YSB promotes change in youth to enable them to become productive members of their community and attain their full personal potential. One of the ways we do that is by working with other local organizations to make sure that youth in conflict with the law have easy and immediate access to the right programs and services for them. Access the referral form here and email the completed form to the Youth Mental Health Court Worker.
The Youth Mental Health Court serves youth (12 to 17) who are in conflict with the law, who also have serious mental health problems. Steering them away from the justice system, the court worker helps direct these young people to the community‑based mental health resources, treatment, and services they need.
The key responsibilities of this outreach program are to:
- Develop individual plans to address the needs of the youth
- Arrange for court‑ordered psychiatric fitness assessments (if necessary)
- Speed up access to mental health services and community supports
- Work collaboratively with existing supports and mental health professionals
- Provide one‑to‑one counselling as a short‑term “bridge” between services
- Offer support to family members of mentally ill youth
- Liaise between courts, lawyers and the family
- Discuss appropriate resolutions and outcomes
- Conduct short‑term follow‑ups with youth
In these ways, the program ensures that young people with mental health problems, that may be masked by criminal or other negative behaviours, are given access to the help they need, that will promote a more positive future and prevent future involvement with the criminal justice system. Services are offered in both French and English.
How to access the program
This program is available to youth in the justice system. Contact the court worker at the details below. Alternatively, access the referral form here and email the completed form to the Youth Mental Health Court Worker.
Michelle Pasztor
613-808-0524 | 613-738-7776 x 264