Extend Your Helping Hand into the Future through Legacy Giving

Each of us devotes a lifetime to making a difference — to family, friends and our communities. Imagine for a moment helping a struggling Ottawa youth in the future get the support they need. Imagine them finding the hope, strength and confidence to build a beautiful life.

Impact the lives of vulnerable youth for years to come through a legacy gift with the Youth Services Bureau.

“We want to help in any way we can,” people tell us. Legacy giving is one wonderful, significant way you can.

Create Your Legacy – Simply, Easily

The beauty of legacy giving is that it can often be done without reducing your bequests. The tax savings realized by your estate could even increase the amount of money you leave to loved ones.

You can give in many ways. You can donate cash, securities, or a percentage of your estate. Even 1% will have a lasting impact. You can also donate the residue of your estate – that is, the amount that remains once your bequests are fulfilled.

What You Need to Know to Leave a Gift in Your Will

You may be drafting your first will or already have a will. Either way, we recommend you speak to your lawyer about how to plan for a gift that doesn’t affect your bequests to family members and friends. Know that inflation will not erode the value of residual gifts over the years.

You will become part of YSB’s Forever Youth Giving Circle. We will give you the opportunity to be recognized for your generosity.

Consider a lasting gift to the Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa today. Experience the deep satisfaction of knowing that your gift will provide youth in our city access to safe and supportive housing, mental health services, employment assistance, justice programs and other supports they need to thrive.

To discuss leaving a legacy gift to the YSB Foundation, please contact:

Patti Murphy
Executive Director, YSB Foundation
Phone: 613-729-0577 ext. 50262
Email: pmurphy@ysb.ca

You can make a gift to the Youth Services of Ottawa Foundation by using wording such as the following in your will or codicil:

  • I leave to the Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa Charitable Foundation, 2675 Queensview Drive, Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2, or its successor, a (state share or percentage of estate, a specific amount of money, the specific securities you wish to leave, or a specific item or items). I direct this money be used in the area most needed/specific area. The receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer of this organization shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.
  • Please ensure you use our correct legal name in any will clause or codicil: Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa Charitable Foundation
  • Our mailing address: YSB Foundation, 2675 Queensview Drive, Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2.
  • Charitable Registration Number: 84053 4853 RR0001

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