YSB Employment Services offers job seekers of all ages support to prepare for the job market and find employment. YSB Employment Services is part of the Employment Ontario network, delivering services in Ottawa.
We understand that finding a job can be stressful and frustrating at times, but we can make it easier for you to successfully enter or re-enter the workplace.
- Looking for a job? Call or email one of our two locations to serve you better
- Calendar of events
Employment Services for all in Ottawa
Job seekers – are you looking for employment opportunities? We offer a variety of services to help you get your career on track.
- One-on-one employment counselling
- Access to the hidden job market
- Coaching and mentoring
- Resume and cover letter preparation
- Interview simulations
- Employer meet and greets
- Job fairs
- Job placements
- Access to education and training
- Referral to Better Jobs Ontario and other Employment Ontario programs
You can also visit or call one of our two Employment Ontario sites, at:
703 – 1355 Bank St.
203 – 301 Moodie Drive
For all programs: esreception@ysb.ca
A range of services are in place to meet the individual needs of job seekers. For further details, please visit https://ysbes.ca