Youth and Family Counselling

Sometimes, people need a little help to feel good about themselves or to learn how to cope with difficulties in their lives. That’s why we provide counselling services to young people (aged 12 up to 17 years old) and their families. Our sessions are flexible, according to need: we can bring parents and youth together for family counselling, and we can offer individual counselling to the youth on their own, or to one or both parents on their own.

Counsellors from a range of disciplines (psychiatry, sociology, social work, etc.) cooperate with youth and families to identify specific goals and work towards their achievement. Progress is regularly reviewed to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes.

Some of the issues addressed in counselling are:

  • Family conflict
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Violence and/or abuse
  • Substance abuse
  • Sexual orientation
  • Relationships
  • Loss and bereavement

Services include ongoing individual and family and parent counselling, aftercare, and access to consultations with a multi-disciplinary team (psychiatrists, psychologists, and reflection team).

How to access the program

Youth or parents can call YSB Mental Health at 613-562-3004 for more information on a mental health service that would be right for you: 613-562-3004 

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