Mental Health Resources for Parents

YSB serves youth, their parents and families equally to provide support in times of difficulty. Over 350 caring YSB professionals in 20 locations across Ottawa proudly serve more than just at risk youth. If you and your family need assistance in regards to mental health, please see the resources below.

Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario (PLEO)

This Helpline is a service that is operated by PLEO. It is for parents and caregivers of children and youth up to the age of 24. The people who will answer your call are parents who have their own experience supporting their child through the mental health system.

Click here for more information.

Suicide Prevention Network of Ottawa

To access their online presence, please go to: To read the “Know what to do” guide and obtain resources to help a young person thinking of suicide, please click here.

Click here for more information.

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