Intensive Family Support

Intensive Family Support is an intensive, home-based program that supports families with youth (aged 12 to 17) who are at risk of out-of-home placement to foster care, a group home, or a correctional facility in response to a range of significant behavioural problems, including:

  • Oppositional, aggressive, violent or criminal behaviour
  • Failing classes, not going to school, or experiencing other school problems
  • Serious disrespect in the home and in the community
  • Running away from home
  • Using drugs and/or alcohol, or taking part in any other risky activities that could result in self-harm

This pragmatic, goal-oriented treatment program targets factors in a youth’s social network that contribute to his or her antisocial behaviour and works to achieve positive outcomes in the family, with peers and at school or work.

We offer parents the skills and resources to deal on their own with the difficulties that arise when raising teenagers, and give youth the skills to cope with family, peer, school and neighbourhood problems. Therapists accomplish this, in part, in two ways:

  • By engaging key people in the youth’s environment (family, school faculty, community members, etc.) and collaborating with family members to design the treatment plan

By mobilizing individual, family and community resources that support and maintain the long-term behavioural changes that occur during the Intensive Family Support treatment.

How to access the program

Contact us at 613-562-3004 or

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