YSB's Charitable Foundation

About the YSB Foundation

Proud recipient of 2021 AFP Ottawa’s Philanthropy Award for Innovation in Fundraising


The Youth Services Bureau Foundation proudly supports the important work YSB does each day in our community. Partnering with compassionate community members, philanthropic corporations, generous foundations and engaged youth, the YSB Foundation raises funds to ensure each and every youth who needs our support is able to access it.

With youth programming offered in five main service areas and across multiple service points throughout the city, YSB helps thousands of young people every year address whatever threatens their physical, sexual, mental and social well being. Staff guide youth through issues related to housing, mental and physical health, community reintegration, education, employment and more.

We have established a number of funding priorities, including:

  • Supporting mental health programs for youth;
  • Funding employment programs that help young people get their first jobs;
  • Expanding the provision of housing and shelter services to accommodate street-involved youth; and
  • Sustaining community reintegration programs for youth in conflict with the law.

Together, these programs and services empower youth to make choices today that can help them secure a better future. Your gift also does exactly that. Please help us make an impact.

The YSB Charitable Foundation is a registered Canadian charity (84053 4853 RR0001).

YSB Charitable Foundation Team

Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa Charitable Foundation

Patti Murphy, Executive Director
613-729-0577 x 50262

Ana Popescu, Database and Digital Fundraising Coordinator 
613-729-0577 x 50203

Rachel Tam, Events and Community Engagement Specialist
613-729-0577 x 50245

Nicole Gonato, Fundraising Officer
613-729-0577 x 50260

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