Community Reintegration Program

YSB has a long history of working with youth in conflict with the law. Our staff and community partners have developed expertise in helping young people with the issues they face. The Community Reintegration Program aims to reduce recidivism — repeat offending — by discovering the underlying causes of the behaviour. When youth recognize the connections among thought patterns, behaviours and the resulting consequences, they’re better equipped to build healthy relationships, focus on the future and become productive members of society.

This voluntary program is offered to youth in open or secure custody. A community reintegration worker makes contact with the youth to outline the program and its potential benefits and to invite the youth to accept the support services as well as the opportunity to participate in counselling.

The program offers individual, couple and family counselling to address a wide range of issues, including:

  • Peer and family relationships
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Violent behaviours
  • Substance abuse

Initially, the reintegration worker helps youth deal with the issues of being in custody. After the youth is discharged, the counselling process continues in the community, where the reintegration worker acts as a liaison between the youth and Probation Services, schools, employment programs, and more.

Youth in this program also have priority access to other services offered by YSB, including housing and health services.

How to access the program

This program is available to youth in the justice system only by referral. Probation Services, custody facilities, or other Youth Justice organizations* can make arrangements by contacting the program coordinator at the phone number or email address below.


* Please note that in cases where referrals are made from other Youth Justice organizations, probation officers will be notified.

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