YSB’s Community Services
If you are struggling to meet some of your basic needs, you are not alone. We are here to help you feel safe and cared for. YSB community services are designed to provide food, shelter, safety, health services.
YSB services:
Employment Services
Ontario Works Benefits
Estimate how much Ontario Works is available, how and where to apply, and what qualifies you for OW, and what OW can provide for you.
Website: Ontario Works
Website: Ottawa Office Information
How to Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) Card
The SIN card is necessary for application to a bank account, jobs, and many government services, such as OW and more.
Housing Services
Canada Revenue Agency
Young people and New Canadians who have never filed an income tax return should check out the 90-minute course at the link below. Everything you need to know!
Canada Revenue Agency
How to do Laundry
A how-to website on how to do laundry! If it’s your first time on your own, laundry may be confusing, but don’t let it be! Click below!
How to do Laundry
Ottawa’s Social Housing Registry: How to Apply
If you need Rent-Geared to Income housing, this is your source for application information!
Mental Health Services
YSB’s 24/7 Crisis Line
YSB’s Youth Mental Health Walk-in Clinic
Mental Health Resources in Ottawa
Source for local mental health help, information and events in the Ottawa region.
Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario Helpline (PLEO)
This Helpline is a service that is operated by PLEO. It is for parents and caregivers of children and youth up to the age of 24. The people who will answer your call are parents who have their own experience supporting their child through the mental health system. If you think people don’t “get-it”—they do. They can help you understand the services in the community that might benefit you and your child. PLEO also offers Parent Support Groups where parents can connect with others who have gone through something similar and share resources and experiences. PLEO is there to support parents; a friendly ear when you need one. You can call them at 613-321-3211 or visit www.pleo.on.ca or email info@pleo.on.ca for more information.
Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health
The new mentality is a group of youth who are gathering to promote mental health across the country. Click to check out how you can become a part of it!
Suicide Prevention
This site is dedicated to preventing suicide among youth aged 14 to 24.
Suicide Prevention Network of Ottawa
To access their online presence, please go to: www.facebook.com/PreventingSuicide. To read the “Know what to do” guide and obtain resources to help a young person thinking of suicide, please click here.
Teen Mental Health.org: Resources and Information for Families
If you need help coping with the loss of a friend who has just died by suicide, or are interested in maintaining your good mental health, click below.
Youth Justice Services
Legal Aid in Ontario
In trouble with the law? Find out how to ask for legal aid and what service can be expected when legal aid is offered. Types of issues legal aid can assist with include: housing, criminal (both adult and young offenders), mental health hearing, family, and immigration/refugee, denial of ODSP or OW, and help preparing for court.
John Howard Society of Ottawa – Youth Justice Services
JHS provides housing, non-residential, and diversion programming, and facilitation for your future goals by helping you stay out of the justice system, and avoid re-entering it!