The Ethno-cultural Community Program reaches out to immigrant and ethno-cultural youth and their families to identify the needs of immigrant communities in Ottawa. We help to reduce barriers that may prevent immigrant and ethno-cultural youth from getting the services and resources they need. We also work with community members and other agencies to introduce new programs where a need has been identified.
Through education sessions and outreach, we help to develop cross-cultural knowledge and awareness. Outreach is often done by youth, for youth. Members of the Ethno-Cultural Youth Advisory deliver workshops and information sessions about the unique issues facing youth from particular immigrant communities. They also make recommendations to decision-makers on how to address those issues. Youth and families can also contact the program for crisis help, support and referral to services.
Westend Youth Motivators (WEYM) are a committee of youth from diverse cultural backgrounds, who are committed to making a difference within the Pinecrest Queensway area neighborhoods.
How to access the program
The Ethno-cultural Community Program is offered through the Downtown Services and Drop-in Centre. Immigrant and ethno-cultural youth can access the program by visiting the Drop-in at 147 Besserer Street. Youth and community groups can contact us to find out more about the program and youth-led workshops.
Sameha Ahmed
613-241-7913 ext. 410