I can tell you from my years of experience as a police officer—YSB is an essential and vitally needed service in this community. Without YSB there’d be a lot more youth on the street, lined up at adult shelters, rather than getting help and support to work towards their dreams for the future.

One story always sticks with me. There was a young man living in one of YSB’s residences. He was quite fearful of me as a police officer. I arranged to speak with him and he told me his story. He’d been abused and thrown out of his house by his father because he came out as being gay. It turns out his dad was in law enforcement, which is why he was so fearful of me and what I represented.

With some honest conversation and meaningful connection, this young man was able to share his story and to begin to trust me…to see that not all law enforcement officers were like his dad.

To me, this is the essence of what YSB is all about. YSB is here to listen to youth in need, to give them a safe place where they can get their essential needs met—needs that aren’t being met at home.

I urge you to make a compassionate gift in support of Youth Services Bureau today.

You’ll help ensure more youth can live a life of purpose rather than a life of poverty. Thank you!

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