The Ontario Ministry of Health is introducing Ontario Heath Teams (OHTs) to organize and deliver care that is more connected to people in their local communities.
Infants, children, and youth are not adults — their health-care needs are totally different. They are still developing, they live with different illnesses, experience mental health and addictions differently. They require a wider range of health-care providers, have parents or guardians who co-manage their care, and attend daycare or school. For these reasons and more, we need to better connect health services for kids, making it easier and faster to access.
So, we’re putting together an OHT specially designed for children and youth! As a member of this OHT, we will deliver our services in a way that works best for you and we’ll help other organizations that care for kids to do the same. We intend to co-design this OHT with children, youth and families every step of the way!
Before we get started, we need a name for this OHT! We want your voice to be heard — the children and youth who will be using the services. We invite anyone under the age of 21 to suggest a name for our new OHT. Please submit your entry by September 19, at which time the youth on our planning committee will help to narrow-down the list of naming options. We’ll put a final list of names forward for a public vote later this month — so please send us your name suggestions soon!
A lot of individuals and organizations are involved in putting this team together. Some serve only children or teens, others whole communities. Imagine that the name you’re going to help us choose will be featured by everyone involved to identify them as part of this OHT.
Our OHT aims to improve the experience of child and youth physical and mental health and health services. Thanks for helping us to name our team.
Here are the organizations that have been working on this important project:
- Almonte General Hospital
- Bayshore Healthcare
- Carleton Place District Memorial Hospital
- Carlington Community Health Centre
- Centretown Community Health Centre
- Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie
- Centre de services communautaires Vanier
- Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health (CECYM)
- Centre Psychosocial
- Champlain Maternal Newborn Regional Program (CMNRP)
- Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa
- Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario – Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre
- Children’s Mental Health of Leeds & Grenville (child and youth mental health lead agency for Lanark/Leeds/Grenville)
- Citizen Advocacy
- Communicare Therapy
- Ottawa Children’s Coordinated Access & Referral to Services
- Cornwall Community Hospital (child and youth mental health lead agency for Stormont/Dundas/Glengarry)
- Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre
- Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre
- Dr. Jane Liddle, Community pediatrics representative – THRIVE steering committee
- Dr. Jolanda Turley, Department of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa
- Dr. Kathy Keely, Chief of Community Pediatrics
- Dr. Lee Donohue, Your Health Votre Santé Family Practice
- Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association (EORLA)
- Family Advisory Council, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario – Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre
- Family Advisory Council, Roger Neilson House
- Family Services Ottawa
- GEM Healthcare
- Inuuqatigiit Centre (formerly Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre)
- Kemptville District Hospital
- Maison Fraternité
- North Lanark Community Health Centre
- Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth
- Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre
- Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative Council of Partners (representing over 80 child- and youth-serving organizations)
- Ottawa Public Health (OPH)
- ParaMed
- Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern Ontario (PLEO)
- Pembroke Regional Hospital
- Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre
- Rainbow Valley Community Health Centre
- Renfrew Victoria Hospital
- Rideauwood Addictions
- Roberts Smart Centre
- Roger Neilson House (RNH)
- Sandy Hill Community Health Centre
- Seaway Valley Community Health Centre
- SE Health
- Somerset West Community Health Centre
- SouthEast Ottawa Community Health Centre
- St. Francis Memorial Hospital
- St. Mary’s Home
- The Ottawa Rotary Home
- The Phoenix Centre for Children and Families (child and youth mental health lead agency for Renfrew)
- The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
- Valoris for Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell (child and youth mental health lead agency for Prescott & Russell)
- Youth Services Bureau (child and youth mental health lead agency for Ottawa)
- Wabano Aboriginal Health Access Centre
- Youville Centre